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The Light Will Set You Free βœ¨πŸ•‰

The 12 universal laws are believed to be inherent, immutable principles of our universe that prehistoric peoples have always intuitively understood. Beyond the purview of human-made rules, metaphysical laws (sometimes referred to as spiritual laws) give us directives for living (body mind spirit). The 12 universal laws are :-

  1. LAW OF DIVINE ONENESS- Everything is connected.
  2. LAW OF VIBRATION- Everything has a unique vibrational Frequency.
  3. LAW OF ATTRACTION- What like unto itself is drawn.
  4. LAW OF ACTION- As above, so below.
  5. LAW OF CAUSE & EFFECT- Manifestation requires aligned actions.
  6. LAW OF COMPENSATION- Every action has a consequence.
  7. LAW OF PERPETUAL- We are awarded for right action.
  8. LAW OF PERPETUAL TRANSMUTATION OF ENERGY- Energy is always moving and always changing.
  9. LAW OF RELATIVITY- It’s all relative.
  10. LAW OF POLARITY- There are two sides to everything.
  11. LAW OF RHYTHM- Nothing is permanent.
  12. LAW OF GENDER- Manifestation requires a balance of energy.

β€œIf you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” -Nikola Tesla

β€œEverything is energy. And that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” – Albert Einstein.

The laws are not intended to constrain our thinking, but to broaden it in a way that fosters a genuine awareness for and connection to others as well as to oneself.

The 12 spiritual principles of the cosmos are meant to guide us as we harmonise our surroundings to bring about better realities while pursuing pleasure via love and forgiveness. Achieving true pleasure and appreciating our place and purpose in the cosmos, according to philosophers and thinkers, requires that we understand and put these 12 fundamental laws into practise. The 12 universal laws are further divined in 21 sub categories.

🌱 1. Aspiration to a Higher Power 🌱2. Charity 🌱3. Compassion 🌱 4. Courage 🌱5. Dedication/ Devotion 🌱 6. Faith 🌱 7. Forgiveness 🌱 8. Generosity 🌱 9. Grace 🌱10. Honesty 🌱 11. Hope 🌱12. Joy 🌱 13. Kindness 🌱 14. Leadership 🌱 15. Non interference 🌱 16. Patience 🌱 17. Praise 🌱 18. Responsibility 🌱19. Self love 🌱 20. Thankfulness 🌱21. Unconditional love 🌷

These 33 universal spiritual rules are applicable to both physical and non-physical phenomena. It is thought that these laws have existed since the dawn of time and control the spiritual health of everyone in this cosmos.

Therefore, these are universal rules which helps to live a blissful and peaceful life. Attaining eternal bliss and happiness is only the soul purpose of this journey. πŸ•‰βœ¨

Love & Light @spirituallygrateful 🌟🌷

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