Law of Divine Oneness brings Harmony to all Universal Laws

https://spirituallygrateful.comUniversal Laws for Blissful Life

Law of Divine Oneness brings Harmony to all Universal Laws


Universal law of Divine Oneness
Everything is connected

We’ve all heard of 12 Universal Laws but what about the Law of Divine Oneness?

Understanding, the 12 Universal laws shows us how to master life on all levels i.e., energetically, spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically. They gives us insights into what we can do to achieve our goals of this existence of earth and universe. But it’s important to understand all the universal laws one by one to raise harmony in life. So, lets comprehend the first Law of Divine Oneness brings Harmony to all Universal Laws.

Divine law is any body of law that is perceived as deriving from a transcendent source, such as the will of God – in contrast to man- made law to secular law. According to Angelos and Rudolph, divine laws are typically perceived as superior to man-made laws, sometimes due to an assumption that their source has resources beyond human knowledge and human reason. Believers in divine laws might accord them greater authority than other laws,  for example by assuming that divine law cannot be changed by human authorities.

Here, LAW means the rule which is enforceable by the creator of the universe and ONENESS is defined as state of being one and whole. Therefore, the law of Oneness is defined as we all are interconnected through our creation by a creator, we all are one manifestation of the creator.

Wilder said, “Every single atom inside of you is connected in some way, shape, or form to the rest of the universe you move through.”

This means that everything we do has a ripple effect and impacts the collective not just only ourselves.

#eckharttolle said, “…In the sea on land. The air it is the universe delights in in creating this multiplicity of forms. And it delights in experiencing. Itself through all those forms…”

What is spiritual Oneness ?

The term Oneness is a term which is often used interchangeably with “non-duality” or “non-dual awareness – has traditionally been considered a state in which a person experiences consciousness in its true form as utterly devoid of subject–object distinctions.

Spiritual oneness is our birthday as we all are the children of the God. Deep down, you know this. I know this. We all know this. Something about it resonates deep within us. Oneness is our destiny. Therefore, we have to go beyond the senses, beyond duality to find Oneness.

How does the Law of Divine Oneness works ?

Fun fact : If we think of the cycle of life. You are born, you grow old to the end of your time on earth.And as the saying goes, dust becomes dust. We are all created from the same single cosmic boom. We all have the same essence, the basis for life, flowing within us; our molecules and atoms constantly interacting with one another. In other words, you return to the earth from which you came.

It is that same ground that we grow our food on and from which our plants get their nutrients. Essentially, the connection we have on earth finds its way back to us in one form or the other. But it goes beyond the physical.

All things in the universe have a link to each other. Our existence is like a circle, and it is impossible to live a solitary life. Our Collective Consciousness and shared universal energy bind us to everyone and everything.

How do you practice Oneness ?

The following are the ways by which an individual can practice oneness –

1. Meditate and connect with the Divine Source

2. Spend time in nature

3. Conscious Breathing

4. Self awareness and understanding of thoughts, emotions, actions, reactions and choices you make

5. Mantra chanting – AUM (OM), AHAM BRAHMASM, AHAM PREMA

6. Activate 7 Chakra of body

7. Observe Everything around

8. Practice silence and look inside

9. Join Spiritual Community or spiritual people

10. Try compassion and gratitude

11. Yoga and exercise

12. Read spiritual content

13. Spiritual Practices

How to Use the Law of Divine Oneness to Manifest What You Want ?

Collective Consciousness means this universal energy that connects us. We are all conscious, so together, we make up the Collective Consciousness. The inventions the world has seen have become a reality because of one thing – they are a manifestation of people’s desires. The more people with similar thoughts, the easier and faster these thoughts become a reality.

Every thought, action, words, beliefs etc impact our Collective Conscience and existence. The significance of this is that you influence the type of life you lead and your circumstances. You have the control of whether you live a miserable judgmental or understanding joyous life. Whatever you dedicate your mind and thoughts to is what you manifest. If you harbor thoughts of happiness, peace, abundance, wealth, and good health, you attract them into your life.

How to manifest what you want by understanding of Law of Divine Oneness ?

1. Understand 12 Universal Law of Universe

2. Connecting with Supreme God

3. Enhancing virtues of Soul and raise the vibrations

4. Practice Positive Affirmations and repeat 3-7 times a day

5. Understand yourself and believe in yourself

6. Start journaling and try visualisation method

7. Be clear about what actually you want

8. Acknowledge and appreciate your present and small things in life

9. Trust the process

10. Acceptance is the key

11. Remove limiting beliefs and resistance

12. Watch and listen Positive contents

Therefore, the Law of Oneness teaches that we are all linked. We all share the same energy and we all can manifestation a beautiful life together.

Everything is Connected and Law of Divine Oneness :

 According to the Law of Divine Oneness, the whole universe is inter-connected. Nothing lives on its own in its little bubble. Like one perfect formula we have deduced as humans to be the key to understanding the universe. Everything is energy. Everything is a vibration. Everything is operating at a certain frequency. And if we can learn how to control our particular frequency and manipulate it for the better, we can begin to ascend to the next level of consciousness.

— Eckhart Tolle At the deepest level, an ‘open heart’ is spacious presence, in which the sense of separateness between yourself and the ‘other’ dissolves and there is the recognition of oneness, of shared consciousness. That recognition is love.

The most important takeaways from understanding the Law of Divine Oneness are:

  • 🌷 We Are Not Separate Entities
  • 🌷 Everything We Do Has an Effect on The World as we all are energy beings.
  • 🌷 Our Collective Consciousness is a Powerhouse to manifest a beautiful and peaceful world.
  • 🌷 A bigger Picture from the broad spectrum can be seen and the illusion of the individuality can be dissolved.
  • 🌷 Law of Divine Oneness brings harmony to all Life laws as we are all God’s children

The Law of Divine Oneness provides the fundamental understanding that We are all connected.

If you feel, as we do, that this knowledge should be available to all, please share this on social media, email to a friend, or talk about it with loved ones. You’ll not just be helping them; you’ll be helping us all, the entire Collective Consciousness. Articles for all 12 Universal Laws and other spiritual content is to be available on the website. Enjoy them all, and let them lead you to a higher understanding and a better quality of life just like pluviophile!

Make full use of your ability to inspire, motivate, or excite the one you love now!🕉🌷

Love and Light

Internal links-

12 Universal Laws for leading a Blissful Life (

External links –

Divine law – Wikipedia

Top 14 Eckhart Tolle Oneness Quotes & Sayings (

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