The word affirmations stems from the Latin word affirmare, which simply means “to make steady, strengthen.” Affirmations are like your wish-list to the universe. The universe consists of 12 natural laws to help you move toward your goals, dreams, aspirations, and a more fulfilled way of life. the law of manifestation is one of the universal law which is co-related to all the universal law ( check universal law article on the website) Affirmations are positive and high vibration statements for the practice of positive thinking and self-empowerment. It is believed that “a positive mental attitude supported by repeated affirmations will helps to achieve success in anything whatever you want”. Our mind is the gold mine by using positively we can manifest a glorious, joyful and abundant life. Hence, the Universe is good at giving you exactly what you ask for “the power is within you to align with the universe and manifest what you want”.

Subconscious Mind
According to scientific research, your Conscious Mind makes up less than 5% of your total brain function. That means that the other part of the brain I.e., Subconscious or unintentional aspect of your mind represents around 95% of your total brain function. That it is pertinent to mention here that the subconscious mind controls 95% of our life. The affirmations are believed to harness the power of the subconscious to influence a person’s life and real-world outcomes, even curing sickness. But, the desirable results can be seen when the individuals subconscious mind responds to the mental picture or thought in his mind. The Principle of subconscious mind is works accordingly to the LAW OF BELIEF.
“Change you thoughts, change your destiny”.
Affirm: I am always Spiritually, emotionally, mentally, physically, financially powerful and abundant.
Affirmations influence Subconscious Mind
Thessalonians 5:23 says, ‘I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. ‘ … Your subconscious mind is your spirit!!! Your spirit is the real you.
Our mind is just like a garden. We are the gardener and we are planting seeds (thoughts) in the subconscious mind all day long. As all the experiences, situations, feelings, listen, emotions, response, words, and whatever we see create reactions on subconscious mind to thoughts. The subconscious mind contains data of thoughts, memories, primitive desires that are unconsciously exists deep down and because of the unaware existence, the whole data unconsciously influence our behavior and reality.
“As you sow in your subconscious mind, so shall you reap in your body and environment.”
-Joseph Murphy
Affirm : “I welcome High vibrational thoughts and feelings into my experience. I move with the Divine Energies and allow Miracles to happen in my life. Thank you God”.
Law of Attraction
The law of attraction has been popularized in the early 21st century by books and films such as “The Secret”. The law of attraction is one of the Universal Principle. It is spiritual belief that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person’s life. As we the source of “PURE ENERGY” and when we use this energy by way of thoughts then it start attracting aligned energy. Thereby, allowing people to improve their health, wealth, or personal relationships Affirmations and constantly aligning self with the desired Energy is the best way.
The mantra of the law of attraction, is as follows: positive thoughts and positive visualization will have a direct impact on the self. Conclusively, the combination of thought and feeling is what attracts the desire. This combination of positive thought and positive emotion allow to attract positive experiences and opportunities in the life. As our existence is the Energy and the energy can be transform from one form to another form. So, better you become, better you attract in life.
Ralph Trine wrote in In Tune With The Infinite (1897):
The law of attraction works universally on every plane of action, and we attract whatever we desire or expect. If we desire one thing and expect another, we become like houses divided against themselves, which are quickly brought to desolation. Determine resolutely to expect only what you desire, then you will attract only what you wish for.
The whole divine sound is the cause of the manifestation. Just like a a paper start burning after constant focus of sun rays by way of magnifier so here you also have to follow this focused concept for manifesting whatever you want. After consistent practice of affirmations on day to day life you start becoming more aware of your thoughts and your surroundings, you start to notice relationships between what you think and what manifests itself in your life. Soon after, positive statements/ affirmations can lead to manifestation, which is the end game of the entire affirmations for the manifesting process. By the use of affirmations as a tool to get what we want by believing in ourselves, our power to make our dreams come true by the magic of manifestation. With continuous practice, you can manifesting things into your life and start to feel like having a magic power.
Affirm: I trust the Universe. It gives me exactly what I need at exactly the right time. Everything works out perfectly for me. I am creating my dream life.
4 Steps to make Effective Affirmations
Your mind is a powerful thing. Once you fill it with positive thoughts, your life will start to change. For affirmations to be effective, it is said that they need to be present tense, positive, personal and specific. So, here are the step you must need to follow:
- Think about what it is that you want to affirm, or attract into your life. (love, money, joy, peace) What do you deeply desire. Your affirmations need to be clear and concise
- Begin with I or I am, and speak as if what you want has already manifested. Speak in the present tense. Make your affirmations short and powerful so they’re easier for you to remember.
- Keep it positive. Speak about what you want more of, not about what you don’t want.
- Really feel them. The words need you resonate with you, and you only. Your goal is to light yourself up every day, inspire yourself to take action, and center yourself around what is truly important. So ensure that the words you choose do that.
When two or more people sincerely focus on one thing to manifest, then it manifests twice as fastest.
:Write them down 5 times a day in your journal. Say them out loud to yourself every day. Meditate on them.
:Write them on a piece of paper and stick it to your wall, your mirror, or in your wallet and even set ALLARM for every hour or as per your choice.
:Create a cute graphic with your affirmation and set it as the background on your phone or your computer.
11 Timeless Affirmations YES!
As every individual desired to get mentally, emotionally, physically, financially, spiritually and energetically Powerful, Stable and Abundant so consider the same some affirmation are timeless affirmations this website is providing :
- I am Divine child of the Supreme God. I am Powerful, Pure, Happy, Loveful, Peaceful, Knowledgeable, Blissful. I am Creator of my Present.
- I am a Powerful Soul. I am Calm and Stable in every situation. I am learning, healing and growing. I am always Divinely guided.
- I Accept myself. I accept people and people accept me. My all Relationships are loving and I get along perfectly with everyone.
- My Job is very peaceful and it has flexible work timing. It pays me …..Rs (as you desire) a month.
- My Body is Beautiful, Perfect and Healthy always. Every cell in my body vibrates with joy.
- Success is Certain for me. I naturally attract good fortune.
- My true Divine Love and I in a loving, joyful, strong, healthy and harmonious relation. This is divine union. We both are experiencing the bliss of flowering of this relationship.
- Love is the answer to everything in Life. I give and receive Love effortlessly and unconditionally.
- I am Money magnet. Money flows to me easily. My income is constantly increasing. Money loves me. I am enjoying financial success.
- I Travel the world. I go on greatest adventures. I am open and ready to receive more blissful travel opportunities. I always travel safely. Joyfully and peacefully. I always receive help and guidance when I need it. I am Divinely protected.
- I am Goddess. I am a magnificent soul. I bring peace and joy to the world. I am Love. I am peace. I am joy. I am blessed. I am enough.
13 Benefits of Using Daily Affirmations
- Rewires the brain.
- Stay positive and optimistic.
- Improves happiness level.
- Brings blessings and gratitude.
- Boost self- esteem.
- Enhances level of awareness regarding thoughts, words and feelings.
- Inspire and encourage to be more clear about goals.
- Notice more synchronicity.
- Decrease stress and Anxiety and enhance overall Well-being.
- Less self-doubts, limiting beliefs and negative thoughts.
- Influence subconscious mind to access new beliefs.
- Increase productivity.
- Helps to fulfill the desires in short period.

Affirmations are one of the best ways to channel the power of positivity into your life. People use positive affirmations, money affirmations, and any other powerful affirmation that you can use to manifest your financial abundance or any other type of manifestation you want to use in your life. These words help you to have the perfect state of mental health, Financial success, unconditional love and miracles in life.
Begin now to sow thoughts of peace, happiness, right action , good will, and prosperity. The subconscious mind will always answers what you believe. Trust it !
Love and Light
What are some of your favorite Affirmations ? Have you ever had an experience where you manifested something in your life? Tell me about it in the comments below.
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Law of Attraction , Energy
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I love being with my favourite person, she is everything to me, love for her is limitless.