12 Universal Laws for leading a Blissful Life

https://spirituallygrateful.comUniversal Laws for Blissful Life

12 Universal Laws for leading a Blissful Life


33 Universal Laws
12 Universal Laws for leading a Blissful Life

To begin with the term “Universe” is derived from two words. Firstly, Uni- means “one” and secondly, verse-means “writing arranged in lines which have a definite rhythm and often finish with the same sound (rhyme)”. Therefore, to summarize the term Universe is defined as everything that exists in the whole space is the created from the one source. From a spiritual perspective, the Universe is just another name for a higher power that exists which we call Supreme God. That the universe is wholly ruled by the Universal laws which helps to fulfill the purpose for he whole existence.

Everything is Energy ?

Of course, is it true that Everything is Energy and Energy is Everything. The German dramatist and thinker Gotthold Lessing observed that -“In nature everything is connected, everything is interwoven, everything changes with everything, everything merges from one into another.”

  • Body = Intelligence = Mind = Information = Energy = Consciousness = Spirit = Supreme God. The human body, plant and all physical things are made up of matter and energy. It’s all the same thing. It’s all ONE thing and everything is energy.

For example: If we observe our body and start looking down from skin to organs, organs to tissues, tissues to cells, cells to molecules and molecules to atoms then in the deep down we just felt a divine energy which is connected to everything around and all living organisms constantly take in and release energy.

The Spiritual concept of Energy, Vibration and Frequency

Energy is the source, Vibration is the movement and Frequency is the number of vibrations created by movement. That the whole existence the manifestation of single thought and it continuously manifestation due to continuous vibrations of the energy. As all things in our universe are constantly in motion and vibrating.

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” – Nikola Tesla

The besides the basic concept of vibrational frequency the spiritual phenomenon is also defines as our body is made of molecules, which are vibrating constantly, and creating electromagnetic energy waves.

“Everything is energy. And that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” – Albert Einstein.

Whereas, when Einstein talks about matching the frequency he means that everything we desire has a frequency set point. We don’t think about it in those terms but all beings – all things in the universe – vibrate at a certain level.

Further, Vibrational energy experts claim that certain emotions and thought patterns, such as joy, peace, and acceptance, create high frequency vibrations, while other feelings and mindsets (such as anger, despair, and fear) vibrate at a lower rate.

As a result, the creation is nothing more than the energy manifesting itself in various ways throughout the entire cosmos. because we are all related and have a single awareness. If we start looking inside by way of meditation or start observing the nature then we will found every things inside and outside is co-dependent and connected deep down.

What is Naad ?

The Naad is called a eternal sound of the universe. The primary characteristic of the sound is the vibration and movement. Every action respond to the sound create vibration and movement. Therefore, everything at physical level is the result of vibration and movement. The vibration thought to have started with the universe’s creation and has been resonating through our very being ever since is called Naad. In fact, it connects with the time when we actually start to find ourselves as well as the awakening of our kundalini and spiritual development.

What is the Universal Sound ?

Om is a sacred ‘mantra’. It is considered as seed of all universal sounds and words. According to the Big Bang theory, Om is the cosmic sound that initiated the creation of the universe. Further, in Hindu scripture, it is defined as the foundational sound of creation.

Recently, NASA has released the sound from a black hole from which it also came to know that OM ( AUM) is the sound of the Universe. New NASA Black Hole Sonifications with a Remix | NASA

For example: When we chant OM (AUM) consciously the body start vibrating at the frequency of 432Hz , which is same vibrational frequency of everything in nature. As such, AUM is the basic sound of the universe, so by chanting it, we are symbolically and physically acknowledging our connection to nature and all other living beings.

Hence, OM sound is considered as the Original Sound of the Universe.

What is the Source of Universal Laws ?

The Source is the origin of the 12 universal rules (also known as God, the Universe, Higher Power, etc.). These universal rules were not created by humans; rather, just like physical laws like the law of gravity, they were discovered by them via their observations and experiences. The spiritual science is also known as metaphysics. The metaphysics is the area of philosophy that deals with the nature of existence, truth and knowledge.

The following verse is from chapter 10 of the Bhagavad Gita, in which Lord Krishna, Said that “There is no possibility of anything in the universe—a sun, a star, or you and me—existing separately”. To me, this unifying force is the infinite love of the Lord, operating on the physical level. Just as all of us are one, so all things in the created universe are one in the Lord. Bhagavad Gita – Wikipedia

What are the 12 universal laws ?

The 12 universal laws are believed to be inherent, immutable principles of our universe that prehistoric peoples have always intuitively understood. Beyond the purview of human-made rules, metaphysical laws (sometimes referred to as spiritual laws) give us directives for living (body-mind-spirit). That’s right that the 12 universal laws are unchangeable and getting familiar with each universal law can help us to unlock a more spiritually aligned life which helps to master life on all levels and gives us insights into what we can do to reach our goals. The universal laws are following:

1. LAW OF DIVINE ONENESS- Everything is connected. To understand this law is to be more compassionate towards others. We all have the same ability to make mistakes; and the same ability to achieve greatness. https://spirituallygrateful.com/law-of-divine-oneness-brings-harmony-to-all-universal-laws/
2. LAW OF VIBRATION- Everything is in constant motion. The people we meet and the objects we hold, are all vibrating at their own frequency, and we must match the energy of the things we desire in order to obtain them.
3. LAW OF CORRESPONDENCE- Our lives are created by our daily, subconscious patterns. In order to change, we must first identify the thoughts and habits that are holding us back.
4. LAW OF ATTRACTION- What like unto itself is drawn. To put it simply: focus on the things you want and not the things you do not want. Truly believe you are capable of having what you want and the universe will present it to you.
5. LAW OF ACTION- As above, so below. Listen to your inner guidance. As stated above, the law of attraction will present you with endless opportunities, but it is up to you to take the necessary steps to actually attain what you’ve asked for.
6. LAW OF CAUSE & EFFECT- Manifestation requires aligned actions. Also known as karma. Probably the most straightforward law; whatever you give in this life -good or bad- you will get in return.
7. LAW OF COMPENSATION- Every action has a consequence. Your efforts will never go unnoticed. Trust that the universe wants to reward you, and be open to its limitless forms of compensation. We are awarded for right action.
8. LAW OF PERPETUAL TRANSMUTATION OF ENERGY- Situations occur that give low vibrational frequencies, and bring on emotions such as anger and sadness: both which are valid emotions and should be felt in their entirety. However, there comes a time when you need to tap into your power and get yourself back to a positive frequency. Energy is always moving and always changing.
9. LAW OF RELATIVITY- Just because we are all connected does not mean we all live the same physical reality. Yet still, no situation is good nor bad until it is put up for comparison. It is best to keep our perspectives neutral and learn to be grateful without having the need to compare. It’s all relative.
10. LAW OF POLARITY- There are two sides to everything. Everything has a polar opposite, and learning is part of the human experience. Take what did not work in a previous situation, and apply new, opposing methods in your next venture.
11. LAW OF RHYTHM- Nothing is permanent. Life is a never-ending cycle. It is important to embrace every moment and to remember not to stretch the natural order of things.
12. LAW OF GENDER- Manifestation requires a balance of energy. We are made up of two major types of energy, which are thought about easiest as masculine and feminine. Allow room for both energies and find a balance that suits you best.

The 12 spiritual principles of the cosmos are meant to guide us as we harmonies our surroundings to bring about better realities while pursuing pleasure via love and forgiveness. Further, to achieve true pleasure and appreciating our purpose in the cosmos we require to understand and put these 12 fundamental laws into practice. For more clarity and understanding these 12 universal laws are further divined in 21 sub categories.


1. Aspiration to a Higher Power

2. Charity

3. Compassion

4. Courage

5. Dedication/ Devotion

6. Faith

7. Forgiveness

8. Generosity

9. Grace

10. Honesty

11. Hope

12. Joy

13. Kindness

14. Leadership

15. Non interference

16. Patience

17. Praise

18. Responsibility

19. Self love

20. Thankfulness

21. Unconditional love

To summarize the whole content it is stated that all these 33 universal spiritual laws are applicable to both physical and non-physical phenomena. It is thought that these laws have existed since the dawn of time and control the spiritual health of everyone in this cosmos. These are universal rules which helps to live a blissful and peaceful life. In addition, attaining eternal bliss and happiness is only the soul purpose of this journey.

The laws are not intended to constrain our thinking, but to broaden it in a way that fosters a genuine awareness and connection to others as well as to oneself.

Energy is the Currency of the Universe. The universe’s secrets are encoded in your cells, thus you already own all the knowledge you will ever need. The Light Will Set You Free.”

If you feel, as we do, that this knowledge should be available to all, please share this on social media, email to a friend, or talk about it with loved ones. You’ll not just be helping them; you’ll be helping us all, the entire Collective Consciousness. Articles for all 12 Universal Laws and other spiritual content is to be available on the website. Enjoy them all, and let them lead you to a higher understanding and a better quality of life!

Make full use of your ability to inspire, motivate, or excite the one you love now!🕉🌷

Love & Light @spirituallygrateful.com


Energy – Wikipedia

Bhagavad Gita – Wikipedia

Customize: 7 Qualities Of SOUL inherited by the SUPREME GOD – spirituallygrateful.com

Customize: 8 Powers of SOUL – spirituallygrateful.comCustomize: 8 Powers of SOUL – spirituallygrateful.com

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